Our Purpose:

When people ask about who we are at Community Chapel, we always like to clarify a few things.

Our purpose comes straight from Jesus - it's to gather a community of people who are coming to know Jesus and serving others for the Glory of God. That purpose never changes.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to be a family, a place to call home, where through hope and encouragement you can find answers.

Our Core Values:

Our core values are what guide us in fulfilling our mission and purpose.


The Bible is our foundation and Jesus is our King.

This is our first core value because it provides the foundation and framework for everything else we do and believe. We don’t claim to have all the answers about the Bible, but we believe it from cover-to-cover and trust that it is God’s perfect, infallible word to us.


Prayer should precede and permeate all that we do.

Without prayer we are disconnected from God – Our hearts and minds are at loose ends, doing what we think is right, instead of listening to God and doing what He says is right. Being a praying people and a praying church is a priority.


Everybody belongs –

We believe the church ought to be a home for people of every age, ethnicity, and socio-economic background. 


The gospel changes us from the inside out, freeing us to both accept love and to love one another. In that love we are free to be authentic, both in our relationships with each other and with God. As we continue to be changed we learn to give back through serving others in love; share with others about God’s grace, and learning to walk in that same grace ourselves.